
run ssh-keygen on laptop (enter a passwd)

then ssh-copy-id root@dharra

<dharra root password>

voila ...done.

next time ssh root@dharra doesn't prompt for server password (local key passwd required).

now to get screen working....

apk add screen

vi ~/.screenrc:

termcapinfo xterm ti@:te@

escape ^jj

shell -$SHELL

THE LAST LINE from: to solve the problem that screen does not source /etc/profile file and thus, does not allow stuff like autocomplete etc etc.

Now on LOCAL PC:

vi .bashrc and ADD the line

alias dharrassh='ssh -t root@dharra "screen -dR"'

(dharra - entry in /etc/hosts)

from local PC run dharrassh and BOOM - in the remote system w/ screen running!!