ssh socks proxy

SSH Server is running on <public IP>:<port#p> with portforwarding enabled.

For laptop start:

ssh -D 8080 -f -p <port#P> user@<public IP>

/* can use

-C for compression

-f for fork into background

-q for quite

-N no other commands to be sent except the port forwarding


On Firefox (use the foxy proxy extension): enable SOCKS 5 proxy w/ localhost port 8080. .... done.

For Android phone:

install connectbot

create new connection to user@<public IP>:<port#P>

login (not really necessary to config port fwd...but login required for port fwd to work).


Long press the connection

choose Port Forwarding

Enter any name <pp>

Choose type <Socks Dynamic>

Choose a 'user' port number: 45882

In firefox; setup the proxy settings.



network.proxy.socks_port: 45882

network.proxy.socks_remote_dns: true

network.proxy.type: 1 (this tells Firefox to use your manual proxy settings)

to DISABLE proxy in firefox


network.proxy.type: 5 (use system default)