dom0 nfs LAN

on DHARRA (server):

wanted some temp working space.

so created a LV:

lvcreate -L 500G -n temp_storage_pool sataAB_data

then formatted it w/ ext4:

mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/sataAB_data-temp_storage_pool

mounted it:

mount -t ext4 /dev/mapper/sataAB_data-temp_storage_pool /media/floppy/

the whole she-bang was to convert a Virtualbox VDI into raw disk (needed space). but the qemu-img-xen on alpine doesn't support this format. So started NFS server on dharra and mounted it on laptop (where vdi is supported).

apk add nfs-utils

rc-service nfs start

vi /etc/exports

add line-> /media/floppy <client IP Address>(rw,no_root_squash)

exportfs -arv

on laptop

systemctl start rpc-statd.service

check rpcbind has also started (should):

systemctl status rpcbind.service

mount dharra:/media/floppy /media/tmp/


to stop - umount on latop. Stop RPC services:

  • rpc-statd.service
  • rpcbind.service
  • rpcsocket.service

On dharra stop the nfs service.