Edge ISP device: NAT to <machine IP> internal port 22.
on the machine:
apk del dropbear-scp
apk add openssh
apk add google-authenticator openssh-server-pam
apk del dropbear
apl del dropbear-dbclient
remotely... (as I was not at home to do this)
rc-update sshd
rc-service dropbear stop
rc-service sshd start
/etc/ssh/sshd config:
cd /etc/pam.d/
vi sshd
<-- had to create this...
i had done one BOoBOo ... had installed openssh-server-pam BEFORE openssh package. thus, the PAM suported sshd was replaced by normal sshd... this gave error about unsupported UsePAM
deleted openssh-server-pam AND THEN REINSTALLED it ....all worked.
sshd -T
...gives the running configurations.
- as <user> run google-authenticator
- enter the key in the google auth app (from mobile)
- answer the questions.