
Playing around with Ubuntu Multipass on MacOS

install multipass per instruction

multipass launch --cpus 4 --disk 40G --mem 8G --name portnr docker

creates a Ubuntu VM w/ Portainer installed.

get IP address of VM - for accessing portainer UI

multipass list

multipass shell portnr (to get shell into ubuntu - use this to create various dirs ...for containers persistence)

visit 192.168.x.x:9000 for Portainer UI.

create admin user and passwd

In portainer- can launch containers from templates (like mongo) or from ( registry.


Tried NextCloud:

container is nextcloud

attach 2 volumes


interactive alpine.

add a container w/ tag 'alpine' but change the config in the command tab of portainer as 'interactive & tty' (this send docker cli -i -t params)

Click on 'Deploy the container'

Once the container is up and running - go to the console.

get access to alpine shell.

need to figure out- if i make changes and install tools like dropbear - how to keep it persistent. for the moment, the shell allows me to install stuff and play around with the 'internal network' (172.17.x.x)


Install Mongo

using the template, however couple of change:

volume (bind) ... this keeps storage persistent.

/data/db --> /home/ubuntu/mongo/db

/data/dbconfig --> /home/ubuntu/mongo/dbconfig

(in our setup, did not do this binding... docker created a vol in var/lib/docker/volumes/<randomshit>/_data ... not sure if this will survive container kill :P )

network: container port 27017 exposed to any host (ubuntu) port.

This allows connection within the 'docker network' as well as from Mac (using 192.168. range)... though, practically need only the docker network.

Attach a console to get into the shell and follow this advise:

to create an account

The cli is mongosh


mongosh mongodb://localhost:27017 --username bloke --password <*******> --authenticationDatabase admin

>show dbs

more mongo commands- like creating user etc:

imp mongo creates a DB on first entry.

so follow instructions from the above link to create appsmith db:

use appsmith


WriteResult({ "nInserted" : 1 })

show dbs

this shows appsmith DB being created.

now we need the user bloke to be assigned to DB appsmith

use appsmith


will show that bloke has no rights/roles with appsmith

use admin


shows bloke has roles as root in admin.

simplest - we added another user (same bloke) for appsmith db

user appsmith

> db.createUser (

... {

... user: "bloke",

... pwd: "joeHere1",

... roles: [{ role: "dbOwner", db: "appsmith"}]

... }

... )

> db.getUser("bloke")


Settting up appsmith:

the image is appsmith/appsmith-ce (community edition)

Map volume (deciphering their docker compose file):

/appsmith-stacks --> /home/ubuntu/appsmith

Expose port 80 to the world.

Deploy the container.

log in and go thru 'registration'

check DB connection to 'other' container:

mongo mongodb://bloke:joeHere1@

this will work- if the user has been properly created for DB Appsmith AND the db appsmith has been created.